1er congrès de l'union des femmes françaises

Other title(s): 1st congress of the french women's union
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1945
Runtime: 00:13:00
Description: Film about the first congress of the Union des Femmes Françaises, which was held in June 1945 at the Mutualité. Crackling, feverish post-war days, women from all over the world met at the Mutualité for the first congress of the U.F.F. First of all, a tribute was paid to the action of women during the war, with a large place for the martyred women: large portraits of Danièle Casanova and Berthie Albrecht were placed behind the podium. Their motto: Never again! Afterwards, the French and foreign delegates lay the foundations of their future action, affirming their determination to fight for equal rights, in the political as well as the economic field. The film, which consists of three parts, first shows the arrival of the delegates (in particular Soviet with Ria Bova, pilot of bomber, to the airport of Orly), the assembly of the congress in the salle de la mutualité in Paris. Then, during the report of Claudine Michaud on the rights and duties of women, the film shows archival footage. Finally, the film focuses on the foreign delegations and the international dimension of the UFF's founding congress. Then the delegates visit the social and sanitary facilities of the workers' towns.
Keywords: Émancipation féminine / Féminisme / Seconde Guerre mondiale / Travail des femmes / redevelopment / work / healthcare / education / resources / school / assembly hall / ambulance service / nurse / prisoner / soldier / foreigner / peasant / children / female / crowd / open air market / street / bicycle / airplane / ambulance / children's game / agriculture / manufacturing process / meeting / election / inauguration / speech / demonstration / rally / resistance / destruction / cattle / countryside / ruins / concentration camp / infrastructure / factory / newspaper / audio recording / communism / anti-fascism / internationalism / nationalism / VICTOR-E project / Philippe Pétain / Eugénie Cotton / Danièle Casanova / Jeannette Vermeersch / Berthie Albrecht / Aéroport d'Orly, Palais de la Mutualité, Arènes de Lutèce (où se déroule une fête rassemblant les délégations régionales et nationales), Villejuif (inauguration du dispensaire « Danielle Casanova »), Les Gobelins (où se tient une exposition sur la femme française au travail), France
Provider: Ciné-Archives
Rights: In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted / Ciné-Archives
Production company: Ciné France
Colour: Black & White
Director: Anonymous
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Language: fr